Thursday, December 15, 2016

A cold walk!

It's kind of intimidating to witness hefty amount of fog curling around the earth crust slowly, taking over the control of movement on it.  Restricting, pausing, forcing everything to slow down little bit, pause for a moment to feel the essence of its presence around us. We do pause, cursing its presence around us. Making it responsible for every other delay which subsequently follows it.   But never realizing that may be their presence on crust might heal us the way it heals other natural things.

Yes! It does recuperate things. I have seen the aroma of numbness in its presence on crust and also the calmness that it leaves behind. The sun looks brighter, leaves look more than alive, the sky seems reborn – like someone has just wiped out all the dust we spit on it. Even i have seen the grasses embracing the small droplets of its absence and happily glittering back to me, may be saying “i am reborn with calmness and glitter, are you?”

It struck one of the strings of my haziest desires to be reborn again. The first and foremost thing was to let the chilled tiny droplets drench me. I took a walk around when the clumsy droplets was spreading all around to heal up things. As i stepped into them, they greeted me with their touch on my skin, leaving a sweet sensation of wet and cold. A sensation that freezes the flow in my veins for sometimes, making it realize pausing is a mean for shedding the continuous tiredness of all day long run. With this sensation in heart i began to walk deeper into it, wanting it to curl me around and heal my tiredness of all day long run. Just a cold walk to be reborn!

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